Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Christian Disneyland

What in the world would that be? Christian Disneyland? What does that mean? 

Well, I happened to hear Jim Walker, an evangelist who comes to our church about once a year, say The United States was Christian Disneyland. You see, while people in other countries are dying for their faith and for spreading the gospel, we in the USA sit in our easy chairs and complain about the temperature or how bad our government is. Yes, it's bad. But it's not as bad as it could be. We play games with our faith. Most Christian's don't take it seriously at all.

We have the freedom to tell people in this country about Christ and spread the gospel. But what do we do? Nothing. We're too afraid of getting cussed at or just yelled at so we sit there and say nothing at all.

We need to get moving on this! Our rights one by one are being taken away and the first amendment will definitely be soon to go. If we don't do it now when it's easy(er), are we going to do it when things get tough? Most likely not.

Honestly, what excuse do we have to not spread the gospel and tell everyone we can about Jesus Christ? We really don't have one at all. Not a valid one. Yes, we can show by example. We should show the world what a Christian ought to conduct themselves like as a representative of Jesus Christ. But we need to tell them about Him and what He did for them.

We're down to the end of this thing. I believe that God's going to call us up out of here soon. We need to do what God told us to do. There are so many people that need reached. Everywhere.

We need to stop looking at the outside of a person, the color of their skin, tattoos, etc, and see a soul. There are only two kinds of people in this world: saved and lost. Every one of us needs Jesus Christ. And as Christians, it is our duty to go tell them.

It's not hard to do. It has it's hard times. But nothing comparing to the rest of the world. Our government may be bad. But this is still the best place to live as a Christian.

So these are some ways I witness or plan to start witnessing:

  1. Pass gospel tracts out everywhere. And I really mean everywhere. You can put them in bathroom stalls. You can put them in telephone booths (not that you'll find many of those anymore). Just everywhere you go.
  2. But don't just lay them down places, hoping someone will pick them. Pass them out directly to people too! It's best to have someone with you when you do this. Two are better than one in this case for the most part. But if you can't find anyone to go with, do it yourself.
  3. Have your bible with you as often as you can and look for opportunities to get a word in for Christ. This is the hard part for me, I think. I feel like I might mess something up. So I don't open my mouth in the first place. But I still need to do this. Co-workers, friends, anyone you talk to. They need Jesus Christ too.
I'm sure there are more ways. But you can get creative and think of different ways to get the gospel out. Just get it out there somehow!

I know this is very important and it's sort of become one of my passions. Although, I think I've felt more strongly about this than anything else. We need to pray for our country and for sinners. We need to see people as they really are: Sinners in need of a Savior. In the end we're all beggars. Let's go out and tell some other beggars where the bread is.

~ Emi ♥

P.S. If you would like to hear Jim Walker talk about this, here's a link to his sermon:


  1. Hello! :)
    Ive been reading all your blog posts, nice work keep it up! :)
    So my thoughts on this one, good job! :) I would recommend that everyone go to They have awesome Biblical tracts, tips, and resources to help you :)
    Keep up the good work, Emily! :)

  2. The danger comes with comfort. I've been told that true revival comes when there is persecution. When I look at the examples left by history and other countries, I can't help but think that it's true.

    1. Good say. America is way passed the stage of revival without persecution now I think, even though it has happened here in the past.
